Bits and pieces

June 10, 2010

Here's a summary of some of the updates this week...

New logo

This logo was designed by Dominique O'Leary (graphic designer, artist, film director and co-owner of Visual Eyes Creative). It does a great job of capturing some of the core goals for StudyStays: simplicity, friendliness.... and houses.

Editing notes
Notes were added a couple of weeks ago and feedback has been positive so far. One astute person suggested making notes editable, and it made a lot of sense, so that's implemented now. I've also refined the notes interface a bit, basically just taking out some words that didn't need to be there.

Re-orderable renaming refinements

You might have noticed that categories, room and property types, and FAQs share a similar mechanism for re-ordering and editing. I've refined this area a bit, mainly getting rid of the pop-ups that were previously used for renaming items.

The new "Rename" button (previously you just clicked the name of the item to rename it)

Renaming an item

Searching by room type
And finally, aforesaid astute person also pointed out that you can't search by room type in the advanced searches. That's fixed now.