New Look for StudyStays

July 19, 2017

I'm pleased to announce the new look for StudyStays, which is available from today.

It's a cleaner and more modern design. It has better mobile support, and provides more consistency between the mobile and desktop experience. And there are some new customisation options for banners and branding.

There's a video below with a 3-minute overview of some of the changes.

We've tried to take a fairly conservative approach in this redesign, so that not everything changes too much and all at once. This first update is fairly substantial already, so we've avoiding changing layout and functionality unless it was really necessary. We'll continue to make incremental changes to the new look going forward.

For now, you'll find the majority of admin functionality works just as before, but there are some new customisation settings to support the new look. Admin will be updated to match the new look in the not-too-distant future.

Updating to the new look is optional. So if you're busy with other things you don't need to worry about changes until you're ready to proceed. But if you are interested in using the new look, please get in touch and we'll probably be able to update your site overnight, making sure that any existing customisations and branding continue to work.

The following two video have some more detail about the customisation options that are available.

Customising the Home Page Search (4½ minutes)

Customising the Brand Header (4½ minutes)