Property Address Improvements

March 21, 2016
These improvements should make it easier for advertisers to list the correct address for their property.

There are two parts to the change.

Address autocompletion when adding a new listing
There's a new page for adding listings, with a few quick questions to help advertisers get started quickly. The "Address" text box now pops up a list of matching addresses, which saves the advertiser from having to enter street address, suburb, state and postcode separately.

As well as making it easier for new advertisers to get started, this should lead to more accurate addresses with less typos.

After filling out the new listing details, advertisers are sent to the normal listing form with the relevant fields already set up for them.

Drag to change map location
You might have encountered situations where the map marker ends up in the wrong suburb, state or even country. Advertisers can now adjust the location of the map marker if the automatic lookup places it incorrectly.
You can also use this drag feature from admin to correct stray map markers.