Recent updates: faster pages, checklists, and bond limits

June 7, 2012
Faster pages

You might have noticed admin pages loading faster in the last couple of weeks. The best example is the “Listings” page, which loads about 12x faster now.

Also speedier now: data export times. For StudyStays sites that have been around long enough to accumulate lots of listings, data exports were taking around 2 ½ minutes. Exporting probably isn't something you'd do too often, but waiting that long still sucks. So I managed to chop export times in these cases by at least half.


Remember those multiple-choice categories that used to look something like this?

They're now displayed as checklists instead, e.g.

Hopefully this makes it clearer that you can choose one or more items, or none. So you can say goodbye to any hints you had to add about how to “hold Ctrl (or Command) and click to select multiple options”. Whew!

Rental bond limits

StudyStays has supported setting a maximum bond based on weekly rent for a while now. But it seems that some tenancy authorities like to make exceptions to their maximum bond rules. Maybe it’s an effort to make renting as easy to understand as our tax system? If you can tell me, I'd be interested to know!

Anyway, if you would like to add a higher maximum bond for rentals over a certain amount, it's now possible to do that through Admin > Settings > Listings.

Providers will see an error if they go over the specified limits:

... or...

If you don't need or want this extra functionality, you're free to use just a single bond limit, or none at all.