Using Google Analytics

January 18, 2012
In addition to the built-in reports in StudyStays, Google Analytics

can give you a lots of detailed information about how people use your StudyStays website—like where they're from, how they got there and what pages they visited.

A sample page from Google Analytics

If you're already familiar with Analytics, you can create a new Web Property and add the tracking ID through Admin > Settings > Website settings (you need to be a super-admin to do this).

If, on the other hand, you've never used Analytics and that last sentence was complete gibberish to you, we can help you get it set up quickly.

Quick setup:
  1. Create a new Google account.
    Hint: use a generic email address that other people in the accommodation service can access, if you can. That way other staff members can see the Analytics reports too.
  2. Email us and let us know the email address for the Google account you just created.
We'll set it all up for you, and then you'll be able to log in to Analytics and start getting all analytical.