What's next?

July 7, 2010

We get lots of requests for new features. So how do we decide which ones to implement?

There are many factors of course, but most of the time it comes down to one main question:

Will it help students find good accommodation, quickly and easily?

The closer we can get to this objective, the less time you'll spend helping students work out how to use your accommodation website, and the more time you'll have for doing the important stuff that websites can't do.

... and the more popular your website will be, meaning happier accommodation providers because their listings are filled quicker.

... and the more impressed your superiors will be at how effective you are.

Everyone wins! Including us, because we'll have a better product to sell.

Of course not every feature can be judged based on this question. And we do have other objectives too, like keeping things as simple as possible for everyone (including administrators). But this is the question we'll always try to ask first, because it's such an important one.